Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some Results

It’s been an interesting week.

I received my certification exam scores. With Social Studies Content and Pedagogy and Professionalism, I passed. The ESL certification was another issue.

I knew I didn’t do spectacularly on the ESL test. I’ve had some quite awful ESL instructors at my college, so my grasp of the material was a little shaky. But my results for the exam were No Pass- 238 was my score. 2 points short of the required 240 to Pass.

Also known as: Failing by ONE QUESTION

A single question! I don’t even know what to think about that. Mostly I just have bitter thoughts right now.

So far I’ve applied for my General Certification. The ESL cert is something I can add on later, when I retake the test.

There’s no mental break from the exams on the horizon yet, I have the most difficult one- the Generalist Highly Qualified Exam this coming Sunday. :/ Here’s hoping for good results.

Beyond tests, I’m entering my last week of student teaching. It makes me equal parts sad to leave something I’ve become comfortable with, and yet I’m really ready to go. The mental fatigue is getting to a fairly high uncomfortable level.

Yeah I’m good with leaving.

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