My long-term sub job concludes on April 1st... no joke. That Friday will be my last day of that steady work.
I'm trying really hard not to freak out.
I know I'm the type of person who likes to have control. I'm perfectly happy if I know what I'm doing a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. I love schedules and routines. Being a substitute has a been a long lesson of me learning to let go of control. I think God is probably doing that on purpose to teach me patience. Sometimes I want to shake my hands at the sky and say "I get it! Lesson learned! Can I have a full-time job now!?" ....but being impatient about finishing learning the lesson on patience seems ironic and pointless... and won't get me closer to the end.
I've used the emptiness of the Spring Break days to spend a solid half day hitting up every school districts' website within 40 miles of me. Over and over and over again I saw some variation of this little delightful blurb:

No teaching jobs. No openings for subs.
I can be okay with not getting a full-time teaching job for the fall. I can continue to sub and pray and look for a job. I say "can" be okay because I have to hurtle over 2 things:
My own pride- I worked so hard in school (I'm good at school!) and finished college a year and a half early with honors. So I had the mindset that I would graduate and find a job just as quickly and effectively. But I know I'm not alone in my unemployed demographic... the jobs simply aren't out there right now. It doesn't reflect my abilities. The jobs just aren't there.
Desire for independence- I'm currently living at home with my parents. I could afford to live on my own right now... but I would be pulling out more money from my savings than I would be putting in. Living on my own is not worth that continual financial drain to me. My parents are wonderful, and there is no shame to staying with them. So I tell myself. I'm currently still supposed to be in college, so so what if I'm staying here while I work to get a salaried position? My mom cooks amazing yummy food and my dad can fix anything and everything. I've got it good.
All I need is one job. :) Even though my state is having some serious struggles with the education system, all I need is one job. And I AM okay with the "waiting" game till I find a full time position. Everything is going to be alright.
Deep breaths.
Keep diligent, keep praying. I was in your same boat right after I graduated. It's a tough economy - not just for teachers, but for marketing professionals. You're a bright person - you'll find something great before you know it!
ReplyDeleteHang on, you aren't alone! I am student teaching right now and looking for a job as well. Something I have had to accept is that many principals won't be hiring till summer, even though I want a job now! Most of my friends who graduated last year weren't offered jobs until mid-July. It doesn't seem like it, but it is okay to not have a job yet :) You are very qualified and a job will come!