That’s probably the nerdiest depiction of “I think I’m coming down with something” ever and I don’t even really like LOTR. That’s just how I picture my innards defending themselves. Meanwhile I have a fever, sore throat and foggy head.
Today hasn’t been too bad- of all the days to feel sicky this is one of the best. I don’t have to teach much. My Speech classes are giving presentations all day, so I just have to face forward and write all over a rubric. Normally, (I say normally but it hardly EVER happens) I get out of school at 4:05 so I could potentially be in bed resting in a weary coma as soon as 5-ish.
Ooooohh but today.
Today my Media students are staying after school to film a movie project. It’s about zombies and they love it. Of course they love it, they don’t have to do anything but cover themselves in fake blood and run around the school after hours screaming and/or crawling around as the living dead. Meanwhile I do everything else. There are endless logistics to such a large activity. Most of the time I truly don’t mind taking it all on- I love how happy the kids get and I want to foster their creativity. But today… I’d rather be at home.
This week has had some bright spots. My Speech classes presentations are supposed to be a visual demonstration. One student made balloon animals. The one for her final presentation is below.

Clearly it’s a dog. Albeit with a rather freakishly long tail, but still. It’s a balloon representation of a canine, that’s decently obvious.
Now. The other kids in the class were fascinated by the concept of balloon animals. One boy (I’ll call him… Gonzo) borrowed the pump and a balloon.
Gonzo: Miss, what’s your favorite animal?
Me: A flamingo.
Gonzo proceeded to work oddly intensely on trying to make me a flamingo. I got distracted by some other kids and forgot about him to be honest.
But ten minutes later, Gonzo appears at my side. His hands are behind his back. He’s got that “salesman” face that students put on right before they try to convince me to buy a raffle ticket for some organization or try to induce me into believing they need another day for the project that’s due… now.
Gonzo: Miss… I’m not very good at balloon animals.
Me: That’s ok. How did making the flamingo go?
Gonzo: Um…
He sheepishly presented my “flamingo.”

I had to laugh. A lot.
Me: Did it come apart?
Gonzo: It was never together.
Me: Call it abstract art. An abstract flamingo.
Gonzo kind of waggled the poor balloon around with an overly toothy grin.
Gonzo: It’s an abstract flamingo, Miss!
Me: I love it!
Gonzo: Abstractly?
Me: No, for reals.
Gonzo: Ok.
And now I’m the proud owner of the best balloon flamingo I’ve ever seen. ….because it’s the only one I’ve ever seen. Flamingo shmagino.
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