Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deja Vu

It's a Wednesday, and we're having yet another Snow Day. In the last two weeks, we've had 5 snow/ice days off.

At midnight last night, I sat in my room and listened to the howling wind. (I decided that wind is pretty scary. You can't see it, you can't control it and it does a lot of damage. Invisible danger!) I checked the weather on my phone:
100% chance of snow
High of 27, Low of 10
And yet at midnight, my school district had yet to post that they were closed.

I went to bed with my phone right beside me (like always) but I was not expecting a sub call.

And sure enough, I awoke to a world of white. And a whole heck of a lot of wind. The snow was so powdery that the wind was whipping it up around and all over the place. It was impossible to tell if the snow was falling up, down or whatever. Another winter wonderland. Yay.

I haven't subbed in like two weeks, but I'm trying not to get discouraged.

My long-term sub job is still on the books as far as I know. My friend is definitely having her baby on the 14th; if it won't come on it's own, she's getting induced. (Way to show that baby whose the boss) And don't judge me for calling the baby an "it", that's not my fault. The parents have elected to not find out the sex. So to avoid saying 'the baby, the baby' over and over, I have to resort to the pronoun of 'it.' I hope 'it' is a pronoun or else I just made myself sound pretty dumb...

Tomorrow we're supposed to get some sunshine and above freezing temperatures, so here's fingers crossed for global warming to kick into gear.

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