Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Own Desk (someday)

I decided to change the title thingy of my blog. Because technically... it's not "both sides of the desk" anymore since I have ceased to be a student. At least I ceased in the best possible way aka graduating.

My web address will still be bothsidesofthedesk.blogspot.com because I'm fairly certain that can't be changed. Maybe when/if I go back to school for a masters program (which right now the idea of that makes me want to cry really loud like a toddler) the title can go back to the 'both sides.'

For now I'm going with this catchy little zinger "Not My Own Desk Yet" because... it's true. I'm a substitute, and even though I'm in the best long-term sub job basically EVER- I'm still a substitute. It's still someone else's desk. Which I am totally okay with, I'm beyond blessed to be in my current position. I appreciate this job more than I can say. I'm just changing the title to match the facts. My current status must be reflected in my blog title, duh.

One day I will have my own desk, and that day will be great :)

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