Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here We Go...

This is the start of my last week at my long-term sub job.

I am so incredibly grateful for this job. It was a real blessing that it came my way. For six weeks I didn’t worry so much about future work because I was so absorbed in my current work. Now, the end is looming up ahead a mere four days away and the nerves are creeping back.

It is hard not to get depressed at the condition of my state’s education system. It is the worst it has ever been. Ever. We’re 10 billion dollars in debt and current projections for the 2011-2012 school year are that 1/3 of my state’s teaching positions will be cut. I don’t get into the politics of the money and the government because:
1. I know I don’t know everything.
2. Me dissecting out the situation in no way creates any change- all it does is make me feel sick.
3. Nothing is truly finalized yet. Schools won’t have the ultimate bottom line for their budgets until sometime in July or even August.

I don’t know how I could have worked any harder at this job than I have. Early mornings and late, late nights- I gave all I could. Now I can only sit back and wait to see if it was enough.

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