Friday, March 25, 2011

Morning Snapshots

I wanted to show everyone some of the bits of my teaching world. I know I tell about things all the time, but face it. Everybody likes pictures.

I came up with this idea on Tuesday. Unfortunately- I can't have my phone (aka camera) on me very often while I'm at school. And for some reason the past few days I couldn't seem to find things I liked/cared about enough to include. So here on Friday I'm just putting out what I have. I hope it satisfies.

It all really ended up being a walk-through of things I see on a typical morning.

This is one of the first things I see every morning. On the whiteboard in the teacher's lounge is a long list of the teachers out and the substitutes in for them. For the past month and a half my name has been a permanent resident of the top of the list. I know the list isn't a leaderboard or anything but I like to think it is. Top sub!

Another fun thing to discover are lil' notes people anonymously leave for others.

In the teacher's lounge is the compliementary tea and coffee chart for us hardworking public servants. At the start of this week this cute note appeared on top of the tea dispenser. At least they (whoever they are, I genuinely don't know) was nice enough to draw some hearts.

One of my early morning tasks 9 times out of 10 is to go make a bunch of copies. I like to use the copier in the library rather than the one in the front office for a couple reasons. 1. A very diminished chance of running into an administrator when I still have sleepy eyes and one hand is clutching my chai while I blearly watch the machine chug out paper. 2. The Zen Garden.

It's been there since my first fall semester, always in the same copy paper lid. Sometimes it is nice when you're running off two different back to back three digit copy jobs to lean over and rake some sand around.

After making all my copies... I head to my room. Everyday we have to write our "learning goals" on the board- the ultimate objective for each lesson. Since I teach 3 different subjects, I have 3 learning goals instead of the average teacher's 1. Which means I have 15 lesson plans a week instead of 5.

These are the learning goals I had for Friday. Not particularly exciting, but a good representation of my daily work. Also- now everyone has been exposed to my terrible handwriting. I know it's awful. It has all the stereotypical flaws: Goes from really big letters at the start of the sentence to small ones at the end. I have a poor ability to visualize invisible lines on which to write my sentences, so they roll up and down like peaceful hills. And my letters, like the capital "N's" are awkwardly tilted. Bah.

Oh, and "IWBAT" stands for "I Will Be Able Too." Abbreviations are a teacher's friend.

The school announcements have gotta be loaded online everyday. Which means the files have to render into a format suitable for being on the internet. Basically what you need to take away from this is that rendering takes a long time. A loooooong time. I spend a lot of my day staring at screens that look like this:

Not exciting. The percentage ticks up slooooowly while the 'estimated time' fluctuates up and down (mostly up).

I hope these morning picture tidbits(new favorite word) were more exciting to see than I'm thinking they were...

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