Monday, March 21, 2011

A Teaching Trilogy...

I believe my teaching career (at least the beginning) is a trilogy of sorts. And
being this is a blog, I'm breaking my trilogy down into three titles.

“Both Sides of the Desk”- student teaching

“Not My Own Desk Yet”- substituting

“My First Desk”- fo' real teaching- (not perfect... makes it seems like I'm jumping back to kindergarten... ‘My 1st Desk,’ I mean first teacher-grown-up desk!)

Those could be book titles. Hmmm...

I think to write a book, (definitely bookS) you have to feel what you have to say deserves to be preserved and distributed to the world. Mostly I feel like I'm just whining a lot, though I try to be objective, receptive and full of inner-outer perspective. With a side of cheesy stupid wordplay.

I'm continually surprised anyone reads anything I write. When I blog, it feels like I'm writing something down, putting it into an envelope- then tying the envelope to a balloon and releasing it into the sky. Will anyone ever see my words?

If I was going to write a book, I feel (I have a lot of feelings today!) I'd have to be very disciplined about the whole endeavor and not treat the daunting task casually. I'd make a writing schedule and hassle people for grammar checks at regular intervals.

In short- I would totally suck the fun out of the whole experience of writing life down. I love the blog set-up; very 'go with the flow,' write things down as they happen. I don't think, at least at this point in my life, I could sit down for hours+ and churn out large chunks of stories. I'd lose the "realness." I spend a lot of time with my blog entries before I post them... and half the things I write get reread, reread and then deleted.

If I allow my life to simply happen and I continue to document it as I go- I see no reason why I couldn't go back, tweak the whole thing (and fill in the start of student teaching I missed by starting "both sides" a month and a half before I graduated) and call it a book. Whether anyone would actually pay money for my words is the true dilemna haha

Besides... I can't set out to write my teaching trilogy yet. A teaching ‘duo’ doesn’t sound as good. I haven't got my own teacher-grown-up desk. I don't know how the story ends!

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