Friday, November 12, 2010

Literally a Mental Victory

There are several ways to deal with a migraine, at least in my fairly considerable experience. I got a migraine yesterday around 5pm on my commute home; it slammed into me like a mental car wreck collision of unholy pain and brain matter. It had to vacate my head’s premises so I started implementing ‘cures.’

Sleep- lots of it. Last night I passed out at the hour of 8 o’ clock with the thought that the more hours logged the better chance I had to vanquish this beast.

Sleep Fail.
I was roused at 1am by the intensified ache on the right side of my weary brain. I resorted to another resource.

Meds- I tip-toed downstairs (because if I wake up the 15 week old puppy I’d have bigger problems than a headache) and take two Tylenol. I return to my nest of blankets and hope for the best.

When my alarm buzzes at 5:30am, my first terrible awareness is the blasted migraine is still pulsing away. My right eye feels like it’s thudding like an overloaded amp. This calls for my last resort.

Caffeine- I don’t drink caffeine for two reasons. 1) It makes me hyper and nobody needs that. 2) I don’t want to build up any sort of tolerance because when I’m desperate for a headache cure- Pepsi is my salvation. When the light from the refrigerator feels like the brights of an oncoming semi at midnight, its all I can do to grab that beautiful blue can.

Pepsi burns my tongue and tastes awful, but I wash down three Aleve, a vitamin and an allergy pill immediately. Standing over the kitchen sink I chug the remaining ounces. I know I’m facing down a Friday with 130+ 7th graders and I need to not feel like a knife is residing halfway into my skull.

Bonus Resource:
Prayer- “Please God take the headache away” is my mantra over and over as I merge onto I35. I’m at a loss as to how many pleas I logged on my hour commute. But my Lord is a merciful one and as I put my mental mindset on the “teacher” setting and walk into school the beast has faded down to a manageable level.

It’s strange to walk into your classroom to start the 9 hour day feeling like you already fought a huge battle before the first kid ever slouches in. But it could be worse… I could’ve lost and still had the migraine.

Happy Friday!

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